Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I'm really bad at this.

"This" here meaning blogging.

I should have more to say than what I have so far.

The problem, I think, is my work ethic.

I have all of these half-formed ideas, partly thought-out plans, half-baked schemes running around in my head, and surely at least some of them are worth fleshing out, but the effort required to do so seems to be too much.

This is not good, as the effort required to do so consists of going to this website and logging in.

I'm mildly alarmed, to tell you the truth.

I've managed to post a blog on my MySpace. I accomplished this only because the option to do so was right there, and I managed to convince myself that I might get a reward for my effort.

Again, I realize that there is essentially no effort involved at all.


Typing this, I may have come up with a solution.

I'm going to resurrect my blog on MySpace, and use it in the experiment I outlined in the blog I posted there. In short, I will use my new, zombielike MySpace blog to toss a few ideas around, practice writing, et cetera, and the good stuff, should any surface, I'll post here, so you folks reading this now can tell me how to improve it.

Since I expect "good stuff" will take a while, don't hold your breath, unless you can hold it for a re-heeeally long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, time.

[See? I do need to improve. I only managed one reference this post.]

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