Monday, November 20, 2006


I've realized why I don't post here as often as I should.

I'm too lazy.

Not in the sense that I'm too lazy to go on the computer and expound on any given subject, I do that all the time, the problem is I have a MySpace account.

*cough*shameless plug*cough*

This poses no problem to me writing, since I clutter my friends' bulletin-space with any random thought that springs to mind. The problem is that it's a lot easier to communicate through MySpace than it is to come here. I'm a Cancer, a water sign, so I blame my birthday for my tendency to take the path of least resistance.

No longer, though.

I swear, on "Weird Al" Yankovic's accordian, on my newly-acquired Unggoy pendant, on the TARDIS itself, that I will come here to do the majority of my pontification.


That doesn't sound right...

Pontificating, maybe?

That's the trouble I have with using multi-syllable words. I like to, since I like sounding somewhat distinctive in my dialogue, but I'm afraid that I sometimes use the wrong word, or often one that doesn't exist at all. Of course, I love using my judo grip on the English language to make up words if one doesn't come to mind to fit the exact situation, but if I don't admit I'm doing it I can come across as unedumakated.

It's a thin line. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life.

Huh. In the past two paragraphs, I referenced both Penny Arcade and Red vs. Blue without even realizing that I was doing it. That's another one of my few flaws, I suppose. I've seen a lot of funny stuff in my day, and I sometimes use someone else's material without thinking about it.

By the way, the two institutions I mentioned above, PA and RvB, are extremely funny, and only some blue language keeps me from recommending them both wholeheartedly. And yes, they're good enough to be considered institutions.

So, in conclusion: Look out here for more stuff soon, I'll get a thesaurus, and if you don't mind a couple of four letter words go here and here.

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